Wednesday, 13 March

12:00pm - 2:00pm

Royal Canberra Golf Club
71 Bentham Street 

Yarralumla, ACT 2600

Registrations close on Friday 8 March,
Please book early to avoid disappointment.

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You are invited to hear from National Technical Director, Ralph Martin who has been working with RSM’s clients to provide assessments of the impact of AASB 16, and to assist them in understanding the options available to them on transition.

Do you understand the choices that you will need to make when you adopt the new standard? Have you undertaken an analysis of the actual financial impact that the change in the treatment of leases will have on your organisation?

The new leasing standard, AASB 16, will require the recognition of all leases on balance sheets, as a lease liability and a corresponding asset. Virtually every company uses leasing, hire purchase or rental arrangements as a financing solution and will be affected by the new standard which came into effect on 1 January 2019.

Boards, Finance and Audit Committees are questioning the financial impact of the change in the standards on their organisations financial accounts. Government entities are required to incorporate the expected financial impact through the Annual Budget processes which is to be released in April this year.

We are running a short workshop to further understand what the change in the standard brings. This session will explore the practical implications and actions that need to be taken. Attendees will also be provided with a useful tool that will help you to quantify the accounting impact.

What do the changes to lease accounting mean for you?

Anticipating challenges, 
identifying opportunities.


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12:00pm - 2:00pm


13 March 2019

What do the changes to lease accounting mean for you?

Ralph Martin

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Ralph is the National Technical Director of RSM in Australia. He has over 18 years’ experience in accounting and auditing and is an expert on financial reporting and auditing standards. His previous experience includes both in client facing audit roles, and work as an accounting technical specialist. Ralph has worked in the UK, Sydney, Perth and New Zealand.



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