Death, Incapacity
and Superannuation

Secure Your Future: Superannuation Insights on Death and Incapacity
It’s a topic often difficult to talk about, and may seem like a faraway occurrence, but it is vital to know and prepare for what happens to your superannuation when you pass away or if you were to become incapacitated. Failure to do so can leave your family with assets in the wrong hands, tax bills to pay, or can cause family rifts and arguments. 
You are invited to join Katie Timms and the RSM SMSF team as they share their wealth of knowledge surrounding what happens to your superannuation in the event of death and incapacity.
Topics discussed include:
  • What happens to your superannuation when you pass away
  • What does it mean for your SMSF
  • Tax on superannuation paid to non-dependants
  • Death benefit pensions & estate planning options
  • What happens to your superannuation if you lose capacity
Register today to ensure you don't miss out on this valuable information from our expert!
Date: Wednesday, 4 September 2024
Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Venue: RSM Australia
Level 32 Exchange Tower
2 The Esplanade
Perth, WA 6000
(Please advise of any dietary requirements upon RSVP)

The presentation will be followed by food, drinks and networking.

For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact

Katie Timms
Partner – RSM Australia
Katie Timms

Katie has been with RSM since 2005 and was appointed Partner in 2015.

Katie specialises in superannuation and has significant experience in all areas of SMSFs, including administration and compliance, asset acquisition, tax-saving strategies, structural assistance, and estate planning. Katie provides advice and assistance to trustees, accountants, and financial advisers. She also heads up the national RSM Superannuation committee.

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