Perth Economic Update Breakfast 2022
RSM invites you to join AICD Chief Economist Mark Thirlwell for a look at this new economic landscape and the challenges and opportunities that will come with it.

The world economy has been transformed. First by COVID, then by war in Ukraine, and now by an unfolding stagflationary shock that has triggered a dramatic shift to the global monetary policy regime, with the world’s central banks delivering more and larger rate hikes than at any time this century. The geopolitical environment is in a similar state of upheaval.

The Australian economy faces its own inflationary challenge, with the RBA tightening policy at a pace that is unprecedented during the inflation targeting era. At the same time, the operating environment for business has been reshaped. Supply chains have been stretched, input costs have surged and labour and skill shortages have soared.

We hope you can join us for what is sure to be a very informative session.


Wednesday, 14 September 2022

7:00am Registration and Networking Breakfast
8:00am Economic Update
9:00am Event Close

The Pan Pacific Hotel
207 Adelaide Terrace
Perth, 6000

For more information, please contact Holli Hatherly on 9261 9207 or

Breakfast will be provided.
- RSVP -

Mark Thirlwell MAICD | Chief Economist, Australian Institute of Company Directors

Mark joined the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) as Chief Economist in February 2019. His previous role was Head of Research and Chief Economist at the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade). Before his time at Austrade, Mark spent ten years as the inaugural Director of the Lowy Institute’s International Economy Program where he worked. He was also a Fellow at the Institute’s G20 Studies Centre, which he helped establish. 

Mark started his career as an economist at the Bank of England in London. His next role was with JP Morgan where he was a vice president in economic research. After moving to Australia, he worked as Senior Economist at Export Finance Australia (then Efic).

Mark holds degrees in economics from Oxford and Cambridge Universities and a postgraduate qualification in Applied Finance from Macquarie University.

Mark writes a weekly economic update for AICD members as well as a monthly column in Company Director magazine. You can also listen to him on the AICD’s weekly Dismal Science podcast.
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