Cash is dead – The future of accounts payable
Accounts payable has traditionally been a “mundane back office task”. But, the landscape is changing. Technology solutions are becoming far more automated and integrated than ever before. Making payments to suppliers is also far more streamlined than in the past, with many solutions offering end-to-end accounts payable processing and payment all in one.

We put together this whitepaper to:
  • Demystify the confusing language used in the industry
  • Provide you with a thorough overview of how accounts payable and making payments has changed
  • Deliver insights from our trusted partners and well known vendors in the space
  • Provide you with considerations you need to make when revamping this critical part of your finance function
  • Empower you to make a decision to optimise and streamline your systems and processes going forward
Ultimately, it is our duty and responsibility as accounting and technology specialists to facilitate the discussion on these important topics for the industry and our customers.

We hope you gain insights that will push you forward in transforming not just the finance area of your business, but also towards successful digital transformation across all aspects of your client facing and back office processes. We are here to support you.

In this webinar, RSM Australia hosted a panel discussion to launch the whitepaper, with some of the most prominent industry experts in the space. Join Andrew Sykes (National Head, Technology) and Laurel Grey (National Manager, Digital Advisory) for an insightful panel discussion with experts Daniel Kniaz (Founder - DiviPay), Mark Peard (Head of Market Development - Xero), and Vijay Raghvani (Head of Customer Experience - Airwallex).

Small business, big technology - Get ahead in 2022
Advancements in tech often start with accounts payable, the biggest shift being the ability to totally illuminate data entry.
In this episode, we hear from Laurel Grey, National Manager of Digital Advisory at RSM, on how businesses can use RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to either achieve efficiencies in the back office (such as accounts payable) or on the sales side of the business, bringing in more opportunities for growth.

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RSM Australia Pty Ltd , RSM Australia Partners and RSM Financial Services Australia Pty Ltd are members of the RSM network and trade as RSM. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. RSM is the trading name used by the members of the RSM network.

Each member of the RSM network is an independent accounting and advisory firm each of which practices in its own right. The RSM network is not itself a separate legal entity of any description in any jurisdiction. The RSM network is administered by RSM International Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (company number 4040598) whose registered office is at 50 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6JJ.

The brand and trademark RSM and other intellectual property rights used by members of the network are owned by RSM International Association, an association governed by article 60 et seq of the Civil Code of Switzerland whose seat is in Zug. Any articles or publications contained within this website are not intended to provide specific business or investment advice. No responsibility for any errors or omissions nor loss occasioned to any person or organisation acting or refraining from acting as a result of any material in this website can, however, be accepted by the author(s) or RSM International. You should take specific independent advice before making any business or investment decision.
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